Michelle Eskdale-Gruendel
Michelle Eskdale Gruendel, is a certified Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner AAEP™, Usui Reiki Master and Certified Crystal Healer CCH™ who works with the Angelic Realm and the Crystal Realm to support your growth and healing. Connect with your Angels and Spirit Guides, and find out what you need to know right now.
Angels Speak, do you know how to hear them? In private one to one readings, Michelle can help you to understand what’s going on in your life right now, how to heal, grow and change for the better and assist you on your spiritual journey. Angel Card readings allow you to access an increased understanding of your life, your challenges and your gifts. Her life purpose involves helping you to understand your gifts and how to use them, how to relieve yourself of some of the challenges happening in and around you, and moving to a better understanding of self, which leads to self-empowerment.
Michelle also teaches classes in Crystal Healing, Reiki and Angel Card Reading.

Michelle Eskdale-Gruendel
Angel Empowerment Practitioner
- 35 Canadian dollars
- 65 Canadian dollars
- 100 Canadian dollars
- 130 Canadian dollars